Letter to Dad, Robert (Bob) Levinson, July 30, 2007


It has now been 145 days since we last heard from you. We know that you entered Kish Island in Iran on March 8, 2007 and never left. We know that if you were able to contact us, you would. Each day is unbearable as we long to hold your hand, give you a kiss, wrap our arms around you and tell you how much we love you. We miss you Dad.

Since our last letter, there have been many things of which we wanted to update you.

Susan flew up to New York to celebrate Sarah’s birthday with her. Dan joined as well, and they all had a great time. Susan is also set to be a bridesmaid in your niece’s wedding in August. We wish that you could be there to enjoy the wedding with your family.

Stephanie really loves staying home with your first grandson, Ryan. He is over nine months old now and is getting into everything. He is crawling, using what we call the “Quasimodo Crawl” because he uses his right foot to push off of the ground. It looks awkward, but boy is he fast!

Ryan’s first attempt at babbling was repeating the word “bob” over and over. We think that this is because he misses his Grandpa Bob. We cannot wait until you get to hold him again.

Sarah continues to put in many hours at her job. She wishes she could call you to tell you about her accomplishments and consult you on the many challenges that arise on a day to day basis. She misses your expert career advice and perspective.

Sarah’s boyfriend of two years moved up to the New York area in July. They frequently visit your old haunts together, and Sarah tells your McSorley’s story every time they go there. She wishes you could visit so they could take you to all of your favorite restaurants again.

Dan has returned from a four and a half month stint living in Japan. He is now in the process of moving into a new apartment in New York and preparing for the start of law school this fall.

David just came back from six weeks of studying abroad in Italy. He went to over 30 cities, made many new friends, and has hundreds of pictures to show you. Now he is getting ready to head back to Emory for Resident Assistant training in early August.

The high school volleyball season is about to begin for Sam, who is a four year varsity starter. She has been finishing her summer homework for her upcoming Advanced Placement courses, and she recently started the process of college applications.

Doug was invited to participate in an elite four week summer camp that focused on technology. It is amazing to think that a 13-year-old chose to attend a school related camp during his summer vacation! He can’t wait to tell you all about it when you get home.

Mom continues to be the glue that holds our family together. Even though we know that she is frustrated with the lack of information on your welfare and whereabouts, she has maintained an extremely positive attitude. She is doing everything that she can to bring you home swiftly and safely. You will be so proud of her when you return.

Several of us have had dreams that you were back at home. These are the worst to wake up from because they have not come true yet. However, we remain confident that one day these dreams will become reality.

It feels like that day cannot come soon enough. Until then, we will continue to stay strong for one another, continue to persevere through this nightmare, and of course, continue to hold onto our dreams of seeing you walk through that front door—all because we know you would want us to do so.

We love you Dad. Come home soon.


Your Children

(Bugga Bird, Lumpy, Goose, Memmo, Happy J. Face, Turtle Girl, and the Roasted Baby)

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